
TALONes (as part of Harley-Davidson Dealer Systems, 2019-2021)

TALON is an ERP/DMS (Dealership Management System) consisting of several modules to handle dealership operations, including vehicle sales, service, retail point-of-sale, accounting and reporting. It integrates with several Harley-Davidson Motor Company services, some third-party systems, and a handful of APIs created and maintained by HDDS.

Technologies: C#, WinForms, Entity Framework, .NET Framework, .NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, Razor, React (TypeScript), SQL Server, IdentityServer4 &

Sites running via WordPress CMS, hosted on LAMP stack Linode instances.

Technologies: Debian Linux, Apache2 (virtual host configuration), WordPress, MySQL

Integration Configuration Manager (as part of OnShift, Inc., 2018-19)

A Dockerized web application that interacted with several microservices to allow specialists to create and edit JSON-based configurations which allowed OnShift to retrieve data from third-party time clocks and human resources systems. User authentication and authorization was managed via OnShift’s Azure Active Directory instance to ensure that only specialists could create and edit configurations while allowing view access to supervisors and customer service representatives.

Technologies: React (JavaScript) (proof of concept); C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET Core MVC, Razor, Azure Active Directory, Docker (production)

OnBase Integration for Guidewire (as part of Hyland Software, 2016-18)

Integration between two enterprise content management systems: Hyland’s OnBase product and Guidewire Software’s ClaimCenter, PolicyCenter, and BillingCenter. The integration allowed for the documents to be uploaded and indexed into OnBase from Guidewire, and for use of the OnBase document viewer to be accessed directly from Guidewire.

Technologies: OnBase WorkFlow, Gosu (Java), SOAP messaging, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, JavaScript